Should you buy your boss a gift for the holidays?



You are not alone if you’re wondering how to handle this tricky question. There is no standard, one-size-fits all answer to this question, so we’re going to give you tips to help you decide what might be the safest approach for you to take. No matter what you decide, best of luck, and happy holidays!


Are gifts allowed at your workplace?
This might seem like a crazy question, but there are workplaces that have a “no gifts allowed” policy in place to avoid any religious displays in the workplace, or potentially give preference toward one holiday or group of people over another. If your workplace falls into this category, you’ll definitely want to know it. The last thing you want during the holidays is a visit from HR explaining the policy you’re in violation is a result of your nice gesture. If you are allowed to bring gifts to work, then read on!


Are you going solo?
Do you get the feeling that you’re the only person getting your boss a gift for one reason or another? While you have added your boss to your gift list, but your co-workers haven’t, you might run the risk of being labeled (publicly or privately) as a brown-noser. Culturally, if it seems like gifts are not exchanged among co-workers, or you’re not doing a group gift for your boss, bringing your boss a gift might be in violation of your team’s unspoken boundaries.


Are you friends with your boss?
We are not asking you, “Do you like your boss?” We are asking if you and your boss are friends outside of the office. Meaning, you have done things socially, not as a part of a work mandated activity. If the answer is yes, your boss is likely planning to get you something as well. Additionally, you probably know each other better than most bosses know their employees, so finding something to get your boss that you know will be appreciated will likely be easier. Lucky!


Bigger is always better, right?
If you do decide to get your boss something, do not go with the notion that “bigger is always better.” Not only will your co-workers likely find out about your extravagant purchase, your boss might actually feel guilty for not getting you something as pricey. Avoid the Swiss watch, diamond jewelry, rare liquor or other over-the-top purchases that might seem like a good idea at the time, but could have the opposite effect. You could also unintentionally be sending a message that you don’t want to send. Beware that you could be telling your boss that you’re willing to buy your way to getting preferential treatment.


Does your office do “Secret Santa?”
If your office has set up a gift exchange, you’re technically already getting your boss a gift. If you want to go above and beyond this, review our previous advice for a safe approach.


If you’re still stumped by your office gift dilemma, you can always watch this video from Fast Company as a “what not to do” when handling gifts at the office. You should also do your best to get intel from your co-workers. If they’re not planning anything for the boss, take their temperature on doing a group gift and get buy in from your entire team. That way, it’s not a huge financial expenditure for any of you, and you’re out of danger as looking like you’re the king/queen of the brown-nosers. Not to mention, your boss will feel the love from all of you this holiday season, which is never a bad thing!