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Behavior Based Interviewing
The concept behind behavioral based interviewing is that by asking questions related to previous actions or behaviors, you will be able to determine how someone will handle similar situations in the future. Thus, how someone has acted or responded in the past is probably how they will handle themselves in the future. Focus on tangible, specific, examples of previous accomplishments and be prepared to elaborate on your answers with real life situations that relate to the subject matter of your conversations. General answers about behavior are not what the employer is looking for when asking these questions. Instead, you must describe, in detail, a particular event, project or experience, how you dealt with the situation and the outcome. Examples of behavior based questions are:
- Describe a time when you had a conflict with a peer or your manager and how you handled it.
- Give me an example of your leadership abilities and how you utilized those abilities to resolve issues in your department.
- Tell me about a situation where you had multiple deadlines and projects due and had very limited opportunity for direction from your manager. How did you handle that situation?
- Give me an example of a time when a subordinate was not meeting expectations. How did you deal with the individual?
- Give me an example of a time when you where singled out or recognized as an exemplary employee. What was the situation?
- Give an example of how you work under pressure/handle stress.
- Give me an example of a manager that you have great respect for and why?
- Give me an example of a manager you did not respect and tell me why? (be careful!)
When answer these questions remember the STAR Interview response technique which is a four step technique for answering questions about past behavior. See the STAR Interview Response technique section of our interview packet for more details.
During the interview, you will be asked difficult questions. Again, make sure you practice putting your responses into verbal form. By familiarizing yourself with the types of questions you may be asked, you are arming yourself with all the necessary tools to overcome difficult obstacles.