All the information you need on interviewing, following-up, negotiating and much more. Pick and choose topics that interest you in the sidebar or print the whole guide.

Job Acceptance
Congratulations! You have worked hard and deserve to have this new opportunity. But even after you have completed all of the interviews and received a job offer, you are still judged on your actions. Your final responsibility in your job search is properly accepting the offer with professionalism and enthusiasm, thus paving the way for your new role and responsibilities with a new company. Make sure that your follow up does not lapse during this final phase of the process.
Below you will find a sample job acceptance letter that confirms what has already happened verbally and sets the stage for your start at the new company. Make sure that you have included the time and date of your first day of employment and that you reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity. It’s also a good idea to include the phone number where you can be reached prior to your start date so that your new manager knows where to reach you should any last minute items come up.
Sample Job Acceptance Confirmation
Hiring Manager
Dear Mrs. Hiring Manager
I am happy to confirm my acceptance of the Senior Analyst position. I have given my present firm two weeks notice, and will report to your office on (the arranged start date), at 8:00am (or whatever time was discussed).
Let me reiterate how pleased I am at receiving this opportunity. I am anxious to begin, and anxious to start making a positive impact at ABC Company.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions prior to August 2nd. My home number is 612-555-1212.
John Smith