All the information you need on interviewing, following-up, negotiating and much more. Pick and choose topics that interest you in the sidebar or print the whole guide.

Ten Mistakes Made By Job Hunters
- Narrowing the types of opportunities you will consider. It is important to have an open mind about this process. Don’t get hung up on job titles but rather look at job duties.
- Hunting alone, without using other networks or resources.
- Doing little or no homework to prepare for the interview.
- Not clarifying a time limit when you make the appointment with an organization.
- Not being aware that Human Resources primary function is to screen you OUT.
- Letting your resume be used as the agenda for the job interview.
- Not having a 50/50 balance in the interview, or having a conversation that was too one-sided.
- When answering a question of theirs, talking anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes at a time. In other words, talking too much.
- Approaching them as if you were desperate for the job, hoping they will give you an offer because you need one, not because you want the job or are qualified.
- Not sending a thank you note and e-mail immediately after the interview.